Shrine of Prophet Joshua bin Nun


This is the maqam or shrine of Prophet Yusha, a Prophet who was very close to Prophet Musa and took his place as the leader of the Bani Israel after his death. He is known as Joshua in the Bible.

Yusha was the great-grandson of Prophet Yusuf, his full name being Yusha bin Nun bin Afraeem bin Yusuf. Although he is not mentioned by name in the Holy Quran, there are references made to him in two places.

After the Bani Israil fled bondage in Egypt and wandered the desert for 40 years, Musa died close to Bayt al-Maqdis, often referred to as ‘The Promised Land’. Yusha took over and led the Bani Israel over the River Jordan and into the surroundings of Jericho (also known locally as Ariha). It was a splendid city, with large palaces. He laid siege over it for six months, and then, with a final push, raising the takbeer, he led his army in and conquered it.

It is said that when they were about to take the city of Jerusalem, it was on a Friday at Asr time. The sunset was approaching, which would subject them to the observance of the Sabbath (on Saturday), meaning that they would have had to cease fighting. Yusha addressed the sun, saying that it was under a command while he was under another command, and he prayed to Allah, “O Allah, hold it back from setting!”. It was stopped until Allah made him victorious.

A hadith has been narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said,” Surely, the sun has never been stopped from setting down for a human being except for Yusha on the evening he invaded the Bayt al-Maqdis.”

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